It’s all in the name

Coming up with a name for a business can be difficult. When developing a name for my personal business, I tried many different combinations and then asked for input from my husband. Nothing really clicked until one evening, while in the hot tub – because all of the great thinking happens in there – my husband informs me I’m making the process too complicated and blurts out Van Raalte Virtual Assistant or VRVA. More often than not, simplicity is best. Plus, I really liked the acronym! But google research tells me it’s not a good idea to have your name in a business title, especially when pronunciation could be an issue – not everyone is born with the name like Van Smith. The result: VR Virtual Assistant or VRVA in keeping with current marketing trends. VR – short for virtual reality – also happens to correspond with my last name initials.

TIP: When developing a new business name, make sure to review your acronym and then do a bit of research before making your final decision. No one wants their professional business associated with an acronym that would pull up a plethora of inappropriate searches.

There are a number of websites out there associated with VRVA but thanks to the general public and my presence on social media, Google has now listed in the number two spot. Please help me reach the number one spot by visiting today!

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